aquest escrit havia de formar part de la teoria dels blocs comunicants i, alhora, retre un homenatge privat a una data molt íntima: el nou de febrer. però hi ha successos que se'ns llencen al damunt, ens esgarrapen i destrueixen tots els versos que mai no s'han dit. per això, prenc l'ajut d'una escriptora única i deixo caure, plena d'esgarrifances, les seves paraules a les estovalles d'aquest camí.
The End
At the end
I have to move my sight up or down.
The path stops here.
Up is heaven, down is ocean
or, more simply, sky and sea rivalling
in welcome, crying Fly (or Drown) in me.
I have always found it hard to resist an invitation
especially when I have come to a dead end
The trees that grow along cliff-faces,
having suffered much from weather, put out thorns
taste of salt
ignore leaf-perm and polish:
hags under matted white hair
parcels of salt with the string tangled;
thumping the earth with their rebellious root-foot
trying to knock up
out of her deep sleep.
I suppose, here, at the end, if I put out a path upon the air
I could walk on it, continue my life;
a plastic carpet, tight-rope style
but I’ve nothing beyond the end to hitch it to,
I can’t see into the mist around the ocean;
I shall have to change to a bird or a fish.
I can’t camp here at the end.
I wouldn’t survive
unless returning to a mythical time
I became a tree
toothless with my eyes full of salt spray;
rooted, protesting on the edge of this cliff
– Let me stay!
The End
At the end
I have to move my sight up or down.
The path stops here.
Up is heaven, down is ocean
or, more simply, sky and sea rivalling
in welcome, crying Fly (or Drown) in me.
I have always found it hard to resist an invitation
especially when I have come to a dead end
The trees that grow along cliff-faces,
having suffered much from weather, put out thorns
taste of salt
ignore leaf-perm and polish:
hags under matted white hair
parcels of salt with the string tangled;
thumping the earth with their rebellious root-foot
trying to knock up
out of her deep sleep.
I suppose, here, at the end, if I put out a path upon the air
I could walk on it, continue my life;
a plastic carpet, tight-rope style
but I’ve nothing beyond the end to hitch it to,
I can’t see into the mist around the ocean;
I shall have to change to a bird or a fish.
I can’t camp here at the end.
I wouldn’t survive
unless returning to a mythical time
I became a tree
toothless with my eyes full of salt spray;
rooted, protesting on the edge of this cliff
– Let me stay!
Janet Frame
3 caminants:
Finalment el mail no ha pogut ser... és massa llarg com per a copiar-te'l aquí als comentaris XD et donava les gràcies per haver-me descobert aquesta autora de la que ara n'estic enamoradíssima.
Una abraçada
Coming soon
something good
Something we can share
Could be better news
we can share
Something's coming soon
I hear it everywhere
Estic segura....
per cert, SI pertany a la teoria dels blogs comunicants.
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