que obres els ulls al món...

Em preguntes, quants besos teus,
Lèsbia, em calen i necessito.
Tants com els grans de sorra Líbica
on està Cirene curulla de laserpici
entre l'ardent temple de Júpiter
i el sagrat sepulcre del vell Bat;
O tants com la munió d'estrelles, en la silenciosa nit,
que veuen els furtius amors dels homes.
Tants de petons seran suficients
per embogir al teu Catul,
que ni puguin ser comptats pels tafaners
ni la llengua viperina pugui embruixar-los.


Quaeris, quot mihi basiationes tuae,
Lesbia, sint satis superque.
quam magnus numerus Libyssae harenae
lasarpiciferis iacet Cyrenis
oraclum Iouis inter aestuosi
et Batti ueteris sacrum sepulcrum;
aut quam sidera multa, cum tacet nox,
furtiuos hominum uident amores:
tam te basia multa basiare
uesano satis et super Catullo est,
quae nec pernumerare curiosi
possint nec mala fascinare lingua.

i ara ja serem quatre i caldrà pintar una altra aquarel·la

it brings me relief

la banda sonora (i escrita!) de la meva vida es diu Crowded House. Una autèntica obra poètica cantada.

Nails on my feet

My life is a house
you crawl through the window
slip across the floor and into the reception room
you enter the place of endless persuasion
like a knock on the door
when there's ten or more things to do
Who is that calling?
you my companion
run to the water on a burning beach
and it brings me relief

Pass through the walls
to find my intentions
circle 'round in a strange, hypnotic state
I look into space
there is no connection
a million points of light
and a conversation I can't face

Cast me off one day
to lose my inhibition
sit like a lap dog on a matron's knee
wear the nails on your feet

I woke up the house
stumbled in sideways
the lights went on and everybody screamed "Surprise!"
the savage review
it left me gasping
but it warms my heart to see that you can do it too

Total surrender
your touch is so tender
your skin is like water on a burning beach
and it brings me relief

Like a night in your mind
it brings me relief
in the back door
under the stars
and the scenery is my floor
in the back room
under the stars
and the scenery is my floor

Neil Finn i jo. 24 de juny 2010. Razzmatazz, Barcelona.

twice if you're lucky

a mesura que vaig creixent, augmenta amb mi la intensitat de les fòbies. la por que implosiona dins d'una persona introvertida causa amb certesa una gran quantitat de tsunamis creatius que, malgrat tot, s'empassen i van a parar a les vísceres. de què serveix, doncs, anar superant fòbies? cada passa és un poema menys coll avall, cada batec accelerat una idea pel desguàs. els nervis i la inconsistència, anem aprimant la carn i, amb ella, totes les paraules desendreçades amb melodia que no hauran de repercutir.
per primera vegada, i malgrat la tremolor de les mans, la mantega de les cames, he cantat a ple pulmó, com un canari i amb la veu fent ziga-zagues, una cançó repetitiva i nova en el meu cotxe acabat de sortir del forn. cala't, si vols. brunzeix, si vols. rellisca, protesta, enganxa't. fes el que vulguis, jo entraré en estat d'on, i cantaré you will love this one i em taparé les orelles, el camí es farà planer, i la meva vida es buidarà de poesia.

Twice if you're lucky

Breathe it out,
I can hear you now
you think reality's shut you down
And you're locked away
where you can't get out
spent a while on your back

But you know what it means to me babe
in the course of a history hey
it all makes sense to me somehow
And it's not what it used to be no
we're suddenly free to let go
and look what's happening now

You will love this one
you will love this one
and if we create something magical honey
there are times that come
these are times that come
only once in your life
and twice like mine

Do you wish to love
can you give enough
use your saving graces
in the heavy light
when the sky falls down
you can pray all you like

But you know what it means to me babe
in the course of a history hey
it all makes sense to me somehow
it's a course in philosophy yeah
what is life is it just a dream no!
the perfect mystery but somehow I know

You will love this one
you will love this one
and if we create something magical honey
there are times that come
these are times that come
only once in your life
or twice if you're lucky

And if the chance it comes round another time
you risk it all, you take the fall for what you like
And sure enough before your love has taken flight
you make a revelation. You will love this one

You will love this one
you will love this one
dream in my head something magical honey
there are times that come
these are times that come
only once in your life
or twice if you're lucky

Crowded House

divuit dies i restant

Estamos tan intoxicados uno del otro...

Estamos tan intoxicados uno del otro
Que de improviso podríamos naufragar,
Este paraíso incomparable
Podría convertirse en terrible afección.
Todo se ha aproximado al crimen
Dios nos ha de perdonar
A pesar de la paciencia infinita
Los caminos prohibidos se han cruzado.
Llevamos el paraíso como una cadena bendita
Miramos en él, como en un aljibe insondable,
Más profundo que los libros admirables
Que surgen de pronto y lo contienen todo.

Ana Ajmátova

Versión de Jorge Bustamante García

tot el que toca la mà de Neil Finn és màgic...

passejant barcelona